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Sidescape is a shareware. If you want to continue using it, please register your license. Sidescape may be installed on your hard disk for 2 weeks. You may decide whether you will continue using it or not, then. If you decide not to register your license, you ought to remove it from your hard disk. Registration will be completed by entering necessary information into a registration window and making a payment.

Å°Shareware Fee

Sidescape shareware fee $20.00

Å°How to register

Choose the payment method of shareware fee among the followings and click "Registration".

  1. Registration by on-lineÅ@Å@Å@VISA Master
  2. You can make a registration and a payment with on-lined system.We accept VISA and MASTER card.

  3. Registration by FAXÅ@Å@Å@Å@VISA Master
  4. Print out the FAX application form. Then,fill out and fax. We accept VISA and MASTER card.

  5. Using Kagi Registration
  6. You can register one of two ways: on-line registration using a web browser, or off-line registration using the Register program. Click here for more information.

  7. Deposit your payment
  8. To: The Sumitomo Bank Ltd. Sapporo Branch

    Checking account number : 252610

    Account name : Vision Corporation Co.Ltd.

  9. Other methods
  10. Simply send a $20 money order, or $20 cash (accepted only by resistered mail) to: Sidescape registration officer Vision Corporation Marumasu Bldg., 3 Fl. North 7, West 1, 1-15 Sapporo 060 Japan
